



- Grand Ave.
- Holly Ave.
- Milton St. N.
- Hague Ave.
- Grand Hill
- Summit Ave.


    & Bldg Misc:
-Grand Ave
-Holly Ave

  & Lease



    (all locations)
    parking, pets,
    storage, noise,
    laundry, smoke



    (all locations)


-Contact Us



Apartments For Rent -- St. Paul, MN

Website:   www.apts.cc   &   apts.mn








Apartment Listings:   (Sorted by location)

This chart lists apartments at each location.  
( # of BR   -   Prices   -   Dates Available   -   Locations in Building   -   Miscellaneous )

Click on a building address link for detailed information on that property.
( Only Grand & Holly at this time )

  • Our buildings are "smoke-free" 
    All leases prohibit smoking, vaping, incense, candles, etc. anywhere inside or close to the building.


  • We offer "Fixed" or "Flexible" term leases, and all leases will have a "Specified Termination Date."  

    Options for fixed or flexible lease terms will vary by location.  The following is general information and may change without notice.  Contact us for details. 

    • "Fixed Term" - Commit to a long stay (up to 12-months).  Generally NOT OK to end the lease early. 

      Rents shown in these listings are for "fixed" terms and are discounted ("flexible" prices are higher).

      In rare situations, early termination might be approved - a non-discounted rent penalty would apply

      and you will owe rent until a prospective new resident has applied, has been approved and moves

      into your apartment.  OK to renew the lease at the end of its initial period only if all parties agree.  Rent is likely to increase and other lease terms may change upon renewal.

    • "Flexible Term" - This is a flexible commitment in which the Resident (or Owner) can terminate the 

      lease by giving proper notice (usually but not always 2-months) - this is similar to (but NOT the same

      as) a month-to-month agreement.  Rent prices for flexible term leases are higher than those shown in

      these listings (contact us).

    • More Info (click here)


894 - 902 - 908 - 934
  Grand Avenue
1-block West of Victoria,
1-block South of Summit
[ Map ]



# of BR Fixed Term Prices Dates
in Bldg
Prices are for One Resident
on a 12-month Fixed Term lease.
Flexible Term prices are higher.



Garden Level
Center units
LR/BR, Kit, Bath
LR Carpet = No animals
  • Efficiency Apts - General description
    • 894-902-908-934 Grand Avenue
      20 to 23-Unit Apartment Buildings.
    • Sizes vary:  ~ 450 to 650 Sq Ft.
    • Rooms:  BR/LR, Kit, Bath.
    • Hardwood floors in some units; Carpet in others.
    • Upgraded baths with built-in shower, ceramic tile, new sink & toilet.
    • General:
      • Lease - Specified Term (minimum 3-months, up to 12-months); Option for early termination with 2-Months notice.
      • Smoke-Free - Leases prohibit smoking, incense, candles, etc., anywhere inside the building or on the property.
      • Animals - No dogs.  Might consider others with additional deposit & monthly fee (cats, birds, fish, etc).  EXCEPT: Animals are not allowed in units with carpet due to potential allergies of future residents.
      • Laundry - Common area laundry room.
      • Parking - Reserved spaces in lot at rear of building.  Monthly fee.  Long waiting list.
      • Storage - Limited number of lockers in basement.
    • Utilities: 
      • Renter pays - Phone; TV; Internet; Trash & Recycle surcharge.  In most units - Electricity (Lights; Supplemental heat); Cooking gas.
      • Owner pays - Radiator heat; Hot/cold water; Basic trash collection.
Prices are for One or Two Residents
on a 12-month Fixed Term lease.
Flexible Term prices are higher.


$ --

None now
Garden Level
Sq Ft
Corner unit.
1BR, LR, DR, Kit, Bath
Hardwood floors


$1,060 to
1st,2nd,3rd Floors
Corner or Center units
~650 Sq Ft
1BR, LR, DR, Kit, Bath
Hardwood floors
  • 1-BR Apts - General description
    • 894-902-908-934 Grand Avenue
      20 to 23-Unit Apartment Buildings.
    • Size:  ~ 650 Sq Ft.
    • Rooms:  1-BR, LR, DR, Kit, Bath.
    • Hardwood floors.
    • Upgraded baths with built-in shower, ceramic tile, new sink & toilet.
    • Floor Plan:
    • General:
      • Lease - Specified Term (minimum 3-months, up to 12-months); Option for early termination with 2-Months notice.
      • Smoke-Free - Leases prohibit smoking, incense, candles, etc., anywhere inside the building or on the property.  
      • Animals - No dogs.  Might consider others with additional deposit & monthly fee (cats, birds, fish, etc).  EXCEPT: Animals are not allowed in units with carpet due to potential allergies of future residents.
      • Laundry - Common area laundry room.
      • Parking - Reserved spaces in lot at rear of building.  Monthly fee.  Long waiting list.
      • Storage - Limited number of lockers in basement.
    • Utilities: 
      • Renter pays - Electricity (Lights; Stove; Supplemental heat); Phone; TV; Internet; Trash & Recycle surcharge.
      • Owner pays - Radiator heat; Hot/cold water; Basic trash collection.

580 - 586 - 590
 Holly Avenue
2-blocks North of Summit,
1/2-block East of Dale
[ Map ]


# of BR Fixed Term Prices Dates
in Bldg
Prices are for One Resident
on a 12-month Fixed Term lease.
Flexible Term prices are higher.

[Small Unit]
Ground Floor
LR/BR, Kit, Bath
Corner unit
Hardwood floor

Studio with
a Bedroom

No animals]
$ --
None now
2nd Floor
Small unit
LR/Kit, BR, Bath
Carpet = no animals
  • Studio Apt - General description
    • 580 & 590 Holly Avenue
      10-Unit & 16-Unit Apartment Buildings.
    • Sizes vary:  ~ 400 to 500 Sq Ft.
    • Rooms:  
      • Studio with BR - LR/Kit, BR, Bath.
      • Studio - LR/BR, Kit, Bath.
    • Hardwood floors in some units; Carpet in others.
    • Upgraded baths with tub/shower, ceramic tile, new sink & toilet.
    • General:
      • Lease - Specified Term (minimum 3-months, up to 12-months); Option for early termination with 2-Months notice.
      • Smoke-Free - Leases prohibit smoking, incense, candles, etc., anywhere inside the building or on the property.
      • Animals - No dogs.  Might consider others with additional deposit & monthly fee (cats, birds, fish, etc).  EXCEPT: Animals are not allowed in units with carpet due to potential allergies of future residents.
      • Laundry - Common area laundry room; Ticket-operated machines (no coins) for added security.
      • Parking - First-come, first-served lot at rear of building.
      • Storage - Limited number of lockers in basement.
    • Utilities: 
      • Renter pays - Electricity (Lights; Stove; Supplemental heat); Phone; TV; Internet; Trash & Recycle surcharge.
      • Owner pays - Radiator heat; Cooking gas; Hot/cold water; Basic trash collection.
Prices are for One or Two Residents
on a 12-month Fixed Term lease.
Flexible Term prices are higher.


$ --
None now
Garden Level
1BR, LR, Kit, Bath
Corner unit
Hardwood floors


1st,2nd,3rd Floor
Corner units
1BR, LR, Kit, Bath
Hardwood floors
  • 1-BR Apts - General description
    • 580 & 590 Holly Avenue
      10-Unit & 16-Unit Apartment Buildings.
    • Sizes vary:  Most are ~ 450 to 650 Sq Ft.
    • Rooms:  1-BR, LR, Kit, Bath.
    • Hardwood floors in most units.
      Carpeted floors in a few units.
    • Upgraded baths with built-in shower, ceramic tile, new sink & toilet.
    • General:
      • Lease - Specified Term (minimum 3-months, up to 12-months); Option for early termination with 2-Months notice.
      • Smoke-Free - Leases prohibit smoking, incense, candles, etc., anywhere inside the building or on the property.
      • Animals - No dogs.  Might consider others with additional deposit & monthly fee (cats, birds, fish, etc).  EXCEPT: Animals are not allowed in units with carpet due to potential allergies of future residents.
      • Laundry - Common area laundry room; Ticket-operated machines (no coins) for added security.
      • Parking - First-come, first-served lot at rear of building.
      • Storage - Limited number of lockers in basement.
    • Utilities: 
      • Renter pays - Electricity (Lights; Stove; Supplemental heat); Phone; TV; Internet; Trash & Recycle surcharge.
      • Owner pays - Radiator heat; Cooking gas; Hot/cold water; Basic trash collection.
Prices are for One or Two Residents
on a 12-month Fixed Term lease.
Flexible Term prices are higher.

$ --
None now
Garden Level
2BR, LR, Kit, Bath
Hardwood floors
Large Skylight
in Living Room

$ --
None now
2nd,3rd Floors
Corner units
2BR, LR, Kit, Bath
Hardwood floors
  • 2-BR Apts - General description
    • 580 & 586 Holly Avenue
      10-Unit & 8-Unit Apartment Buildings.
    • Sizes vary:  ~ 650 to 800 Sq Ft.
    • Rooms:  2-BR, LR, Kit, Bath.
      A few have a dining area or den.
    • Hardwood floors in most units.
      Carpeted floors in one unit.
    • Upgraded baths with built-in shower, ceramic tile, new sink & toilet.
    • General:
      • Lease - Specified Term (minimum 3-months, up to 12-months); Option for early termination with 2-Months notice.
      • Smoke-Free - Leases prohibit smoking, incense, candles, etc., anywhere inside the building or on the property.
      • Animals - No dogs.  Might consider others with additional deposit & monthly fee (cats, birds, fish, etc).  EXCEPT: Animals are not allowed in units with carpet due to potential allergies of future residents.
      • Laundry - Common area laundry room; Ticket-operated machines (no coins) for added security.
      • Parking - First-come, first-served lot at rear of building.
      • Storage - Limited number of lockers in basement.
    • Utilities: 
      • Renter pays - Electricity (Lights; Stove; Supplemental heat); Phone; TV; Internet; Trash & Recycle surcharge.
      • Owner pays - Radiator heat; Cooking gas; Hot/cold water; Basic trash collection.

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NOTE - Light blue lines at tops of some cells are "borders" - access via FORMAT tab, BORDERS & SHADING, etc. 

NOTE - When Misc column data & blue top border have "disappeared" in preview but are visible in normal view, the List Properties outline level got corrupted in the Misc column.  This (#@%^&*) occurs often when inserting or deleting an entire building's data table.  To fix faulty cells, decrease the indent of the top line of each faulty list & then specify the "hand" picture bullet from "qq-gif_jpg/hand_small_org.jpeg" file.

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CAUTION.  Trying to insert just cells or tables will mess up the page because the table will end up being inserted toward the top in the wrong place.  And, it will not be possible to Un-Do the action.  So -- It is possible to use the HTML area to do this.  Highlight the desired table(s) in the "normal" tab.  Go To HTML and the table's text will be highlighted.  Copy it to clipboard.  Move cursor to place within HTML code where table is wanted.  Add some blank lines.  Paste the code. 

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